Mag. Dr. Cornelia Wallner-Frisee

“A medical doctor cures symptoms, a healer accompanies his client on his healing journey”
About me
I felt blessed with the opportunities life gave to me with supportive a strong, loving mother and a father that gave me all the freedom to develop, an international school, a study in business economics and a starting career in the financial world. But I quickly realized that life had a different call for me and I went back to study medicine. Even though I was mainly interested in natural healing techniques, as an Austrian only a university degree in medicine would give me the right and freedom to work with my clients on a deeper level.
This decision made a shift. I discovered my passion to encounter different cultures. A journey to my own karmic past, to new healing techniques and the treasures of our ancestors started: India, Tibet, the Andes, the Amazon and the savannah of Africa, there was a lot to discover. My passion was born, to find a way of integrating these techniques to help people on their own journey as it has helped myself to stay healthy.
I also dreamt of the perfect family, thought to have found the love of my life, security and felt a deep thankfulness to be mother of two wonderful children arising out of this relation. But realized very soon that I had to make a choice. This deep call inside of me, made me start a new life once again, this time, alone with my two children.
My passion and love were the healing work. Healing of the soul, the emotions, the body. After this decision my own healing journey started, the love to the plants and the energy work through my hands. Who would have thought that it would bring me to Afrika?
For 12 years I am now living here on the foot of Kilimanjaro, with the Maasai and Meru. Learning and living with them, supporting woman and children in need with medical support, education and emergency help. Running the NGO Africa Amini Alama and working as a natural healer, shamanic practitioner and medical doctor brings a lot challenges and joy in my life.